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Girlfriends of GF1
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Default Girlfriends of GF1 - 01-13-2005, 06:24 PM

Ok, with no further ado, here's the "Girlfriends of GF1" thread. Feel free to post your girl. There are a few rules to be followed however. Take the time to read them before replying.

1. No poking fun at anyones girl. That shit won't be tolerated.
2. No quoting someone in the thread with the pic. If you need to quote someone in the thread, do so without their pic. We don't want to see 5 pages of the same girl!!
3. Would like people who respond to at least post a pic. Only "positive" posts/comments are welcomed. You have nothing nice to say, don't bother replying.
4. Absolutely no photochopping anyones pic. Pics are not to be used anywhere else but in the "girlfriends" thread.
5. You need to substantiate the pic as being authentic...perhaps with you in it.
6. You can "hide" the identity of your girl by blurring out her face or something like that if you feel thats necessary.
7. Don't act like an asshat, show a lil' respect. This gets out of hand, the entire thread will be deleted. Don't screw it up for the rest of us or you'll feel the repercussions for years to come.

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