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Default 01-14-2005, 04:10 PM

Should we not sticky this thread?

Surely it'd make sense to have people know the server is up and running all the time.....hate it when you go in there and its empty (happens to us europeans, etc)

Just a random thing I read on the steam forums bout the Auton00ble sniper rifles:

I see so many people call me an auto snipe noobie just for using this gun. Sure newbies can use it and get a few easy kills but overall this weapon can be very hard to use. I've been playing CS for about 6 years now and i've been in each beta up until this one. This is by far not an unbalanced weapon. When I use this weapon the main reason I get all my kills is because players are dumb enough to walk right out in the open or try to charge me. Don't charge a sniper, its like driving a car on a train track towards the train, your going down. If you were a smart skilled player you would reduce the risk at which you were sniped by watching where you walk. On maps like dust where the CT's pin down the underpass and the tunnel it can be difficult sure, but thats where smoke grenades and flashbangs come into play. If you guys use your heads instead of your mouths so much you would understand that it's not that bad. If we had no sniper rifles there would be no defense really, and Terrorists could just charge the water or out the double doors, and it would be a gunfight everytime. Without the sniper rifles there people would have no fear of rushing, unless your dumb and you just charge out. To use this gun you need to be standing still, sometimes ducking and you can't jump. It's not as accurate as people say it is.

I agree with this guy, what dya think of the autosnipple rifle? I think it should stay but cost a few hundred dollars more....

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