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*HFE*QuadForce is Offline
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Default 01-15-2005, 06:46 PM

For those who don't visit the official forums. Here is a developer response concerning the Gamespot mp hands on video, and the 6 IGN mp videos that were released yesterday.

Dev: HellFace

2 quick points:

1) The main reason for the constant commands is I was the guy playing in that match. Anyone up here will tell you that I spam the crap out of the move command. I like to keep my guys behind cover every second. If you watch the video, you'll quickly notice me telling these guys to stop at every individual wall every 10 feet. It's just how I play. For the average player, the sounds are nowhere near that repetetive.

2) The AI seems a bit dumb in close quarters because the melee attack was broken on during the press visits. They get close, and they want to melee, but they can't, so they stand around and look a bit dumb. This is not to say that closeup combat is an intricate dance of death, but it's better than the video would represent.

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