Originally Posted by Slinky2397
Since this seems to be a very popular choice on forums, I bring you yet another thread for destops. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm saying this is the thread for people to post pictures of their desktops. How, you say? Well, very simple. Go to your desktop and hit Pirnt Screen which is to the right of the F12 button on your keyboard. Then, go into a program like Photoshop, make a new file, and hit ctrl+v (or go to edit>paste in the menu) resize if you'd like, then save it as a .jpg and post it on a website. To start the bat rollin' here's mine.
Okay I have 2 questions
1 ) How can I snap shot my desktop & posted ? ( I forgot

ops: )
2 ) How do you find time to play all those games,because MoH takes up lots of my time.I don't know how you do it.
C2Q Q6600 2.40G with Tunic Tower 120
8800GTX ( Step up program )
GIGABYTE GA-P35-DS3R 775 with Crucial Ballistix 4GB
Acer 22" Widescreen LCD Monitor