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Default 01-26-2005, 09:57 PM

Not to downplay the significance of any of the lives of the soldiers who've been killed in Iraq (I have a LOT of friends over there right now), but the death toll in this war isn't even a fraction of previous wars we've fought.

The problem is that the media is embedded with the troops now, this was the worst idea ever. The media's focus on negative reporting has destroyed troop morale and given whack job protestors even more ammunition.

We're there and we're not going to be going anywhere, so hopefully people can stop denouncing the war every thirty seconds and focus their energy on supporting our troops so that they can do their work and come home. The negativity that so many people think is "cool" to show these days only kills more troops.

That said, may all those troops RIP. I've made a point to pray for them as often as I can. I'll say an extra one tonight.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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