Originally Posted by mikesnacki
completely true and the reason why snipers are so damned annoying is because in this game unlike others the recticule is COMPLETELY STABLE it never moves meaning that if you got ur recticule on the tip of there head they are dead meat. how dumb is that if you play a game such as Operation flashpoint you cant pull of thoose hair pin shots. sniping is much harder and fewer guys do it. and if you want to use anti tank you have to whip it out aim it carefully and shoot you just cant put the recticule near someone and blow them away. all weapons are balanced in that game that was a really realistic game.
your just upset because i sniped you about 10 times in remagen the other day

jk...but its true. the sniper rifles are WAY to easy to use. they need some sort of a sway...random scope jitter, not that figure 8 BS like in RTCW. sadly gerard, hardly any of these things will be included. its just basically going to stay WWII deathmatch all the way. unless some good TC mod can bring this along the lines of DoD rather then Quake3