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Default prone... - 08-14-2002, 09:57 AM

[quote:6daa7]1. PRONE POSITION: We bitched and moaned when we hard this wasn't gonna be included but i hope to god either someone can mod it in or its added in the expansion pack. The prone position was used extensively in ww2 as it made you harder to hit obviously since you were close to the ground, it also has other uses which i will explain later. [/quote:6daa7]
I agree, but you know, all games I play I've never had such a luxury

I think EA should make maps that you can get vehicles on, not having to download that map Tank Battle. Everytime I go into a server with that running I get kicked out.

I also think that EA should make a flak gun that doesn't take rocket rounds just because it's hard enough to hit people with it, or you have to get off the gun, pick up a flak round and go back on it, wait for it to load and fire. The maps I've played with a working flak are fun but the flak is totally useless (unless in tank battle).

As far as recoil goes, too much recoil in a game just makes it bad, but you know it is pretty shitty when you're in Stalingrad and you're peeking out from a wal or window and a StG44er on the other side of the level mows you down...

I also think there should be a choice of weapon for 6 nades and oss hi standard pistol otherwise you get three nades and whatever you picked.

I think EA should make some more obj maps, (I know there are custom ones but sometimes those are too damn glitchy) because sometimes those get boring. I'm not really a fan of dm games, they really aren't too great...

Well anyway I have many complaints about this game but I still play it :)
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