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Default 02-06-2005, 11:52 PM

I read half way, and then I had to stop to watch the superbowl. i'll read the whole thing tomorrow when i have some time in the morning if i can get this financial managment project out of the way.

anyway, from what i've read so far, he does have some valid points.

I like the idea that he presents that the media can be crafted through whatever the government tells them. If your at a press confrence, and they say something, the newspaper will run what they said without looking into facts, or trying to decipher the real meaning.

Although, is this the medias job? is it really their job to gather information, and then be responsible for backchecking and asking questions on the government and such? The most obvious answer for all of us is yes, how can the media not ask these questions.

but if the media is run by higher ups, then they really can't question them.

Its also a nationalism thing. A reporter gets a story from a company, or from the government. it seems like it is anti-american to once you've gathered the info, go and check it to make sure its legit. to me it just doesn't seem if the media went into investigate every story, like it would work.

personally i think the media is there just to report what is happening. not really investigate what is happening. i think this way because everyone has an agenda. and when you put the responsibility on the media to find things out for you, you rely on it too much, and it'll turn on you. I think its up to the individual to come to their own conclusions. rely on those who are looking to better their country or the world, rather than those who are trying to make money.

i don't know if any of what i wrote makes any sense, but hopefully i'll read it tomorrow fully and write my thoughts.
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