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Default 02-07-2005, 10:28 PM

Originally Posted by Drew
Originally Posted by ninty9
Why would I want land on Mars. It's not even terraformed.

The land is dead. No water, no way to grow anything, so why would I pay for a bunch of dust. If I built a house there it would have to be in a giant bubble. And if I had the means to build a house there, i'd just do it. why do i need to buy land first? oOo: oOo:
It's people like you who ruin things for everyone else. You know, the Indians just thought they could put their little teepees wherever they wanted without owning the land and now look where they are. You want to end up dealing blackjack in a run-down casino in the deserts of Mars? I thought not you communist bastard.
I seriously laughed out loud at that. +1 to you, and +1 for Ninty in about two hours.
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