Thread: Creatine?
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Default 02-08-2005, 11:44 PM

You are pathetic! Do some hardcore work-outs. Like running 4 miles while carrying a 135lb log. Wrestle 12 midgets at once. Lift weights more and longer. Here is a good one: run 100 meters, get on the bench-press and do 30 repitions, run 100 meters, get on the bench-press and do 30 repitions, run 100 meters, get on the bench-press and do 30 repitions, run 100 meters, get on the bench-press and do 30 repitions, run 100 meters, get on the bench-press and do 30 repitions, run 100 meters, get on the bench-press and do 30 repitions. Do that a few times. I had to do it six times, but each time adding more weight (starting from only like 20lbs => 60lbs [Yes, I am not that strong]). Watch Rocky, that should help you get some ideas.

Also, I read somewhere that when you "dream" about lifting weights, your muscles contract just slightly or something and yeah, you gain ... something.
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