Thread: Creatine?
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Default 02-09-2005, 01:02 AM

jin-roh......hake: thats a good way to pass out

i agree with arkan, its all about diet and how you work out

i personally dont recommend taking creatine because it also adds water to your muscles, and if you use it for a while then stop lifting later down the line it all turns to flabby shit fast which will take a while to get rid of

i usually do pecs, lats, bis, tris, and some shoulders, etc. for 45 mins or so and 5-7mins of straight crunches, then i bring food back to my dorms and eat then about 15-30 mins after lifting (this is the best time to eat, also if you eat before lifting wait 30 for the blood to leave your stomache or you wont accomplish anything)

if youre looking for good sources of protein, as arkan said whey is good, protein shakes are good if you can make em right...if not go for turkey, chicken or tuna, even a little bit of carbs for energy-- i usually either go for a sub or a burrito.......
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