Thread: Creatine?
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Default 02-09-2005, 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by Alax54
Originally Posted by Alax54
Some decent creatine will give you mass and strength gains. However, you need to take into consideration that creatine will cause your body to retain water (which accounts for a majority of the actual mass put on.)

I suggest going to a site like instead of blowing your money on some overpriced and no good GNC supplement. Swole V2 and Sans V12 both gave me great results.

Good luck!
If you decided to just go with some Whey Protein this site also has good deals. 5lbs. of 100% Whey Protein (23g per serving) for $25! rock:
Nein, get the 10lb here

I use the chocolate with peanut butter, it's great. They have the best prices and shipping is usually a couple of days.
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