Thread: Creatine?
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Default 02-09-2005, 08:56 PM

You want to see results?? Try the proven "Arkan" method.

The 1st and most important thing is diet. I can't stress this enough. You need to eat 6 small meals a day that are rich in protein. (Unflavored oatmeal, Egg whites, Tuna/Turkey on whole wheat, Fish, Chicken) ....and don't forget whey protein and a daily vitamin. (forget all the other supliments)

As for your workout, you need only to work on ONE body part for the week. Your schedule could look something like this:
Day 1. Chest
Day 2. Back
Day 3. Legs
Day 4. Triceps/Biceps
Day 5. Shoulders

You can do ab work every single day until you drop. You can never overwork them. Just fill in with ab work.

....and, after your workout, you have a 45 minute "window of opportunity" to replenish your body with much needed protein. This is where you'd eat one of those protein rich meals.

Take this advice as gold and forget everything else you've been hearing and reading. Try this for 3 months and you tell me if you don't get results. I guarantee if you stick to it like religion, you'll be impressed.

The world is my urinal
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