Thread: Creatine?
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MrLevinstein is Offline
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Default 02-10-2005, 03:28 PM

First of all. Dont listen to half these idiots.

Creatine is good and gives good results. Eat a lot sleep a lot lift a lot. What are your goals more orinted at? Power and strength? Or Looks.

Take your whey shakes immediatly after your workout and maybe one before. Whey protien is quickly absorbed so taking them all the time isnt doing shit besides fucking with your cholorestorol.

Switch up your rep scheme a lot if youre body building. You might bench for 8 reps on weeks 1-3, but the next three weeks bench for sets of 10 12 or 5.

Unless your lifting for power stay away from sets of 1-4, because your power is increased and you dont do enough reps to recuit all of the muscle tissue necessary to get "big"

Dont fuck with AAS (anabolic steroids) until you are ate least 23. It will fuck with you. Sure youre fine now and you have big muscles but later on the road you might not be able to get wood. This is because you overload your test and are fucking with your glands. Right now you dont need it either you are making a lot of test if youre under 21.

If youre into lifting for power and strength PM me.
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