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You know what really annoys me...
Whatada is Offline
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Default You know what really annoys me... - 02-10-2005, 06:33 PM


Every last god damn person in my school. EVERY LAST ONE, has a life goal of possessing/wearing at least ONE!! (If not 5 to an arm) of these bands. It was pretty cool when it was all for Cancer. But then they came out with all of these flamboyantly homosexual things for minute, inane things. Up to and including:

1) Anti-Racism bands

2) Nike bands.

3) Support our troops bands.

4) Gay Pride bands.

5) Multi-colored, intertwined, you name it.

It's absoloutely insane. These things can be bartered to up to 12$ for one. A ring of rubber... 12$ for something that probably costs lest than 5 cents to make.

Seeing all the inane bullshit that's posted in here, I hardly consider this spam... So stfu.

Originally Posted by Arch