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1st Lieutenant
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Ottawa, Ont, Canada
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Default 08-14-2002, 04:51 PM

As I waited for the bangalores and looked apon the beach and the dead bodies and the cries of the wound laying in the dirt hoping for a maricle, then out of the corner or my eye I saw the boy with the bangalores get a bullet right through his head. I looked down and mumbled "shit". Everyone was too scared to go and get them so I said I would. I crouched and said a quick pray and started to run down the beach, I finally reached them and picked them up, as I stood I felt a sharp piercing pain and I look at my shoulder to see blood coming out of it,"fuck, I'd been shot!' I said. With the pain still very there I got up and ran back up the beach and gave them to my lt. After I few minutes I heard a loud bang and then dirt and ripped apart barbed wire flying in the air and the words "Take cover!" as the dirt fell on all of us. I called for a medic and one came and fixed me up the best they could. I looked to see everyone moving futher up the beach and jumped up and ran with them, more and more men were getting picked off. I smacked into the wall breathing very heavily from the run. I had six men with me. I ordered two to try and make the run to a trench and the second the stepped out they didn't have a chance. When the first boy was shot I saw the way he turned and looked at me and the look was "Why? why did you send me to die?" and then he fell and layed motionless. we were running out of men,ideas and most important, time!
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