Originally Posted by Acideyez
yeah, whenever basketball season is open, i have better health and never get sick during it. except freshman year i got sick a few days before the tryout and i couldnt join >_<
edit: holy shit shorthand, i dono anyone who can lift over 300lbs (personally) except my stepdad who does exactly 300...nice legpress too. 'roids ?
The strongest guy in my school (good freind of mine/ Captain of the football team), used 290 for his reps, maxed at almost 400. As for my "fast progress" I used to be a really fucking fat mother fucker, (308) over the course of zalmost 2 years now I have lost 98 pounds. All because of weight training. biggrin: . I can't lift any where near what I used to, hell I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks because of my management position at my job. But beleive me, when you putting in 1.5 hours a day 5 days a week,doing a full routine, where everything you eat is watched, everysupplement taken at an exact time, It is mind boggling. I spent thousands on all of it. Was it worth it ? Hell a, best years in football of my life. Would I do it again ? Yes. As for Alex's remark" The bench press was done in gym class during fitness training. The leg press lift was done at my gym in the annaul lifting compition. (Beleive it or not) I still lost in both categories. Neither did I have the biggest, but I was also smoked pound for pound strength wise. (they take your lift and divide it by your body mass).