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Default 02-11-2005, 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by Drew
I've checked out traffic estimates, etc. I've also contacted two webhosts about the site.

It can be hosted differently than it is now without much difference in the way it runs and for less than $200/mo.
it depends man, if you only pay $30/month for example, and the site i say usually has more then 30-40 people on it at any given moment, it will run like a peice of shit for everyone because you dont have near enough bandwidth. the reason why bs payed so much is for the bandwidth, and i can almost guarantee you wont get the same performance, actually not even clost with any less then $150/month. that is to say with 50 people on at once

edit: like right now, 63 people are online. if he had lower bandwidth, it would take a few minutes for each page to load.
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