08-14-2002, 07:08 PM
He looked me in the eye and I looked him in the eye. The world was still moving in slow motion and he turned and point his weapon at me. I still had my Thompson in hand but with nothing in the clip. I sighed and dropped my gun. The kraut turned to look at my buddy to make sure he was dead and that whean I grabbed my colt .45 side arm and unleased a clip into his chest. He dropped before I ran out of bullets. I sat back down in the trench, I was alone, no more men with me, out of ammo, out numbered. Just as I was getting up I heard a loud ear piercing sound and then it all went blank. I slowly opened to eyes to see a doctor standing above me looking at him. I couldn't talk, I had no clue where I was, then I blacked out again.