ok se where did we get up to.......oh yeah a small bearded man jumps into the trench beside me and shouts CUT!! CUT!! im cut real bad somebody gotta help me. I looked at his cut, only to see it was more of a puncture than a bad cut. I took his notebook and pressed it onto his wound and told him to hold it there i then took some morphine off a dead medic and gave him a couple of jabs. his breathing relaxed a little. Just then two more men appeared, one of them was a major.
"where the hell do we go now"
"Hang on, ill get the map and guide off my luietenant" he replied.
The major crawled over to the to the solider i had just helped, and said "you got our plan?"
the leutenant held up the very blood soaked and disintegrating notebook i had used to cover his wound
"did it look like this?" he fearfully replied.
The men looked at each other, then looked at me. I knew they were pissed off somewhat at me so this was my chance to make things right and get these lads the hell out of here....