Thread: Got Crack!
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Re: Got Crack!
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Default Re: Got Crack! - 02-16-2005, 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by 1080jibber
A girl I went to highschool with and even fooled around with her too, got busted with crack and a crack pipe. She was pretty hot too, but I wonder what she looks like now, I cant belive that shit is in my town. I would hve never guessed that she would do that kind of stuff.

Isnt it weird how some people turn out.
i heard they were trying to legalize crack in canada... or it was heroin...[/quote:e5099]

Your just jealous we are legalizing pot

Canadas 5 year plan on pot...

1. Decriminalize
2. Legalize
3. Sell
4. Tax

Canada will be booming! Although there will be a hellishly large amount of stoners, we will have money going back in, people coming to Canada and an assload of new laws. I say age limit 19, tax it like cigs and have the same laws as alcohol... somehting along those lines..
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