Thread: Got Crack!
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Default 02-17-2005, 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by "Pvt.Pinhead":3839c
coke's kinda...i dont schools like acid center man, acid rocks though lasts like hours and you dont get addicted.
I also love how everyone says they're not addicted to a natural drug like weed or acid or shrooms. If you see them walking around you can tell when they haven't smoked in a while. They're pissed off.[/quote:3839c]

That's when it becomes a habit, not an addiction. There is nothing in your body making you feel the need to smoke weed, or at least for me anyways.

I have to lock my doors even if im going to stand beside my car, it is a habit I developed, im not addicted to locking the car.

But I know what you mean, some people trick their minds into thinking they can't be happy without it.

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