No. Trust me. It won't. You don't bend on your ribs. that part is always straight, so the bayonet is always flat against your chest. oOo: ... 20copy.jpg ... 20copy.jpg
I get to do this on Saturday: ... 3-6038.jpg
A high explosive anti-tank round from an 84mm Carl Gustav is fired down-range as members of Charles Company, 3 Royal Canadian Regiment Battalion Group (3RCR BG), hone their skills at a range outside Kabul. The soldiers are serving in Kabul, Afghanistan, as part of OP ATHENA, ROTO 0. Op ATHENA is Canada's contribution to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the United Nations-authorized mission in Kabul, Afghanistan. Operation ATHENA began in August 2003 and is currently scheduled to end late summer 2004. The mission of ISAF is to maintain security in Kabul and its surrounding areas so the Afghan Transitional Authority and UN agencies can begin rebuilding the country. At this time, ISAF comprises 5,500 troops from 31 different nations.