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Enhancing omaha beach
geRV is Offline
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Default Enhancing omaha beach - 02-20-2005, 09:26 AM ... /

Go to your moh config file and add the following (or change the following depending if commands are already in it).

seta cg_effectdetail "5.0"

The above command can scale to 20, at 20 individual explosions will have much thicker smoke but if 1 or 2 explosions go off at the same time it seems to remove the smoke entirely, (must be some particle effects cap command than im unaware of, you'll see an example of the smoke disappearing when im at the bunker base looking at the shingle)

5 is the command used in the video

seta vss_maxcount "20"

Not entirely sure what this does but it was something i changed while experimenting so it may make a difference. 20 is the command used in the video, i tried 30 but it seems to disable the smoke entirely.

Now you can play omaha like it was meant to be played, compare it to video 1 at the bottom of this list ... media.html

You'll see its pretty similar (better in some cases with the smoke being thicker). The commands also have an effect on grenade explosions making the smoke thicker, if a vehicle has been blown up its smoke will be thicker. "body hit puff" seems to me more obvious as well. Shoot up boxes and they leave more debris etc.

It DOES have an obvious negative effect on fps. Id also like to find out if theres a command that caps the max amount of particle effects. If you've got the pa weapons mod installed you'll notice that the colt 1911 seems to have a pretty big smoke puff coming from its barrel with these effects scaled up.

For anyone wondering about the m1 sound, thats the original sound it had before they changed it late in development. happy:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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