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Re: There is something about frontline.....
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Default Re: There is something about frontline..... - 08-15-2002, 09:58 AM

[quote="mean_sniper":b2c00]I have frontline, i got it like 2 moths after it came out, and it rocks like hell, best game on ps2 and one of the best fps's i have ever played!!!!!!!

Ithink it should be longer though! But when i played moh and moh:u , i had this feeling in me, which said this game rocks, but frontline dosn't have the old moh feel, but it still rocks.

My fav mission is rough landing, the start is so sad, and the music, excellent. Finished the game in like a week, but gotta do like 8 missions to get all golds. I play with the fiber optic in my amp! It sounds sooo great! The moh:f logo at the start is just breath taking, i love it soo much,,, pure great.

What do other people feel when they play frontline, like it is moh, or if it feels different to moh.[/quote:b2c00]

Why did the guy on the windmill have to die? It's just mean! :cry:

The game could have been longer but I still enjoyed it.
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