Originally Posted by "geRV":1182c
Originally Posted by "Milla":1182c
Originally Posted by "Tripper":1182c
Originally Posted by "Judas":1182c
i dont think it looks all that bad ... didnt it say "close" to beta?
stfu you wangs
Alls I know is if they release that pile of shit and expect people to pay for it, they have another thing coming. I guess we'll have to wait and see if the final product is much different....
People will pay for it, because they are 14 year olds that just want to play DoD.
Remember us whoring dod back in the day, biggrin: rock:
Hell yeah man, those were the good days, when 1.3 the Garand was a fucking rail gun. When Albs and Sloi use to romp around with us.[/quote:1182c]
Ya, i remember 3 of us playing on dod_charlie, me you innoxx, keeping me supplied with ammo for my deployable fg-42. biggrin:[/quote:1182c]
Indeed, i remember just hauling ass past a danger zone and getting mowed down every time trying to get you ammo. That was my goal everytime we played...to get you ammo rofl.[/quote:1182c]
Caen was another good one, you up 62-19 with a tommygun, im up 45-5 with the 03, raped those fuckers biggrin:
Now caen has the brits oOo:[/quote:1182c]
LMAO! Yeah man i remember me with the Tommy gun and you with the 03'.
Did you ever play Bridge with me? That was a funny map, i use to rape ppl with the Garand (Rail gun) from the blown out buildings.