Originally Posted by "Grim_Reaper":44fb2
never said they were the only ones, they are the popular ones. like i said, prove it.
O NO!!! -1!!!! my world has ended, i shall do die in a ditch
jazz, rap, blues, drum n bass, techno, acid jazz, trip hop, garage, speed garage, 2step, house, classical, choir, gospel, jungle, and then some...... rolleyes:[/quote:44fb2]
ok, if you kept going you would be naming stuff off of other genres which you already are. jazz counts as one, not acid jazz. trip hip is hip hop and rap. garage is a form of rock. ok dance, i forgot that. choir/gospel/singing with organs are the same. jungle? wtf? is that that bongo stuff?
ps rolleyes:[/quote:44fb2]
God you're a fucking moron:
First - Acid Jazz isn't just Jazz. It's Lounge, jazz put together without any live instruments, i.e like a hiphop/electronica beat. Saying it's the same as jazz is the same as saying metal is like rock.
Second - Trip Hop is not hip hop and both are no Rap. Rap always has rapping in it. Hip hop is essentially Rap with less emphasis on lyrics, and vice versa....But regardless, I didn't list hip hop alongside rap. Trip Hop is a form of electronica, beats are generally slower than hiphop songs, but can be faster - They're constructed totally differently, with usually no rapping at all....
Third - Yes, there is a sub-genre of rock called Garage...and No, I wasn't referencing that genre. I was talking about the style of house music mostly popular in the UK, also originally came from there. It's heaps like 2-step, which tends to be alot more funkier.
Fourth -
[quote:44fb2]ok dance, i forgot that. choir/gospel/singing with organs are the same. jungle? wtf? is that that bongo stuff?[/quote:44fb2]
Dance? I never mentioned that....But I guess you could add that as another genre...Cool - Keep at it, it's easier for me when you prove yourself wrong.
Choir, is nothing like gospel. Aside from that it originates from christian churches, and involves a group of singers. Totally different styles. Two different genres.
Jungle is a crazy style of techno that is alot faster and different in construction also, enough to make it a major sub genre (Again, like Metal is to Rock)....It is not bongo stuff. You're thinking of World Music....Thanks for ANOTHER genre that supports my propositions....you really suck at arguing, you know that?
I also forgot - Dub and Reggae...