Thread: GF1 Yearbook
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Default 02-24-2005, 04:25 PM

Most likely to succeed in some field or the other: Coleman
Most likely not to achieve anything in the next few years of there life: Tie between Duke of Ray and someone who I'm not going to mention
Most likely to kill a man when he joins the army: Ferich
Person who will write a famous book and become a best selling author: shaft
Person who will become a pornstar in the next few years: judas
Likely to lead a revolt and get assasinated: Pyro (no hard feelings)
Person likely to join a terrorists group: geRV (the IRA is only so far)
Most likely to end there life in a terrible way: CoMaToSe
Become the next Prime Minister of Canada: ninty9
Become the next heart throb on T.V: anti (got the looks cool: )
Likely to invent something and fail: Dreadhead
Likely to never complete a sentence that makes sense: Maple biggrin:
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