Thread: I got the NO!
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I got the NO!
Duke_of_Ray is Offline
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Default I got the NO! - 03-01-2005, 03:45 PM

Today I asked this girl out, and she told me no. I had been thinking about it for a long time, and I finally did. We have been friends for a while, several years, and latley she has become a different peron, and has changed alot. It was almost like she gave me the run around, how she would pick on me, fight me, I felt like I was in 3rd grade. Anyways, I always felt sorry for her, and wanted to help her, but I also liked her. Even when other people would do stuff she would take it out on me, which kind made me feel stupid, but at the same time I enjoyed being around her. TO make a long story short, I told her how I felt, and she said no, but to be honest I am just happy I asked. Either way the weight of asking is gone, and now I can move on. My sexy was not hurt all that bad.

P.S.-WHo here is truly a woman and wants to date me?

Sad that I wrote this? Yea, probably...........
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