Originally Posted by Arkan
Originally Posted by geRV
I think schools today and kids in general a lot of times are almost too much for the teachers to control. "kids" today seem to be bigger and stronger physically, can be intimidating for teachers to tell people that are quite possibly bigger than him\her what to do, once the students figure that out then they start with the bullshit not doing what theyre told etc, and the teacher basically loses control of most of the class to this.
Seen it happen a lot and thats basically the way of it, once its figured out that a teacher is reluctant to do much or lay down the law then they start getting fucked around, teacher does anything about even making someone sit or something trivial then its "assault". A teacher in the year above me got done for assault for making someone sit down while getting a ton of abuse from the kid at the time.
These days teachers have authority yes but not much to back it up with, its these times where the old school ways of a good shitkicking came into practice and worked. Love to see anyone giving a teacher shit if they knew teachers had a stun baton they could use.
Well, you may be right but all i know is.....it stems from the home. If i ever talked back to my teacher, or refused to stand when told to do so, my ass would be handed to me by my Dad. I was taught about "respect" from the home. I learned that from my parents. Apparently, alot of kids are missing that lesson so......blame the parents? Yeah, i blame the parents...they failed!!
Most kids havn't had the pleasure of a shitkicking by their parents either, probably falls under the "i'll sue you" bullshit every little asshole uses as his first line of defense these days.