08-15-2002, 08:33 PM
The squads I sent were just more casualties only 2 survived. I thought to my self "I must be more careful every descion I make may kill many men". I looked around and saw people dieing, blood, gore and I saw tears. I decidied we had to have more support fire. I called what was left of another company over. I said "Ok you, you and you provide cover fire while the rest of the company moves up. Then I yelled go! A artillery shell toke off two men's leg and ones head. The two hit in the leg were still alive saying to their buddys "help me. help me. I didn't let any of the men go after them they had no hope left to live. So I took out my Colt 45. and shot them in the head. Many of the men started cursing at me and some cryed. But we were still in the war. My squad was the farthest up the beach. I decided we had to get in the bunkers and turn the Mg-42s on the nazis...