03-02-2005, 06:31 PM
WTF the big deal? The bottom line is the teacher told him to do something and he didn't listen. Since when do kids think that they don't have to listen to a teacher. I'm with Arkan, give the little fuck a kick to the teeth. That'll show him who is serious.
I've said before that my dad is a retired military police chief. Well he substitutes at my old high school almost everyday because the teachers request him. He's been doing it about 10 years now.
One time a kid was talking and my dad told him to be quiet and the kid looked at him and turned around and kept talking.
My dad: Get the hell out of the classroom.
Kid: Where do you want me to go?
My dad: I don't care where you go, just get the hell out.
Kid: I'm not going anywhere.
\My dad approaches kid looking plenty pissed
Kid: You can't put your hands on me.
\My dad yanks kid up by his sweatshirt opens the door and throws kid in the hallway.
The board of education wanted a meeting with my dad but he told them he could take or leave the substitute teaching, so he wasn't going to any meeting and that he wasn't going to take that shit from any kid. A bunch of teachers rallied to support him despite him telling them not to get involved. Anyway, the board backed off and he is still there today. I guess the word got out 'cause he hasn't had any incidents since. happy: