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Default 03-03-2005, 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by bukdez
some teachers are just nuts, i had a typing teacher try to frame me for typing pornographic stories...
That reminds me of some class I had...It was either a programming class or html in highschool, Victor might remember this because i think he was in most of my classes like that.

I forgot how it went, but my friend Wesley had porn in his email and was checking it on my screen I believe and started printing the shit out in the printer in the class. The teacher found out and found out it came from my machine or something and I had to go to the office for printing and going on porn. I didn't get in trouble because I believe they found out Wesley went into his hotmail account on my account by checking backlogs of what I do on the computer.
some chick wrote out a page of nasty porno, and then handed it in with the name whited out, the teacher typed my name over it, and handed it in to the principal... he believed me, and repremanded her, thats justice in action...
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