Originally Posted by Tripper
I don't understand this shit, I don't ever remember seeing any kind of physical/verbal stand off between a teacher and a student in any of the schools I went too...There of course were a couple of raised voices, kids talking back, etc - But it never escalated past that.
I don't think it's all about discipline either, because despite the way I act on the interweb (Asshole #1 biggrin: ), I know how to handle people and respect them in "real life"...I also dislike confrontation, and try to avoid it whenever possible....And my parents never physically disciplined me past 4 years old....
I can't remember them ever doing it, anyway....
I think it's all about what the child witnesses the parents doing, if they see their father being an asshole to someone, no matter what the context, it's going to reflect on them.
+1 to you for making sense. It doesn't take much to be a lil' respectful.