Originally Posted by Colonel
Originally Posted by Pyro
No one has ever proven to me why anybody would need a gun that can shoots bullets really quickly.
Handguns shoot bullets really quickly too. Maybe we should make all handguns bolt action too?
No one has ever proven to me why anybody would need a car that has a speedometer that goes up to 120 mph either. If the speed limit is 55 mph, shouldn't we only make cars that can go that fast as a maximum speed? Cars that are faster should be locked up and only used at professional races on the weekend by professional drivers. That would save thousands of lives a year.
hmmmm....maybe I should start a activist organization called Automotive Control Inc. and call for the ban of all cars that can go faster than 55 (70 in some states). We also need a seven day waiting period on purchases of cars so that we can do the background check to see if the driver has ever gotten a ticket (although this information can be obtained instantly by any policeman). I also feel the need to force every driver to put a boot on the tires of his car every time he parks it, so that it can't be used by an unauthorized person. Then I'm gonna sue every car manufacturer for every wreck that has ever happened because it is their fault that each of these wrecks occurred. The driver behind the wheel will have no responsibility for an accident in my perfect world. He is a victim of the evil automotive companies, who seduced him into driving this car through their advertising and mind control.
hmmm....where is my list of Congressmen.... I've got to start writing letters.
its about time someone boought this to light!!!!! While your at it can you do something about those pesky 5 gallon buckets? Kids drown in these things all the time. Paint should be sold in plastic bags!!! Oh wait a kid may suffocate in that bag. Paint should be poured into the painters hands so he can walk it to the wall then we all will be safe.