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Default 03-07-2005, 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by Arkan
Ok, let me jump in since i live in the US. While it's true we have our share of "gun" murders, it's not as insane as one would believe. As far as i know, fully automatic weapons are illegal here in the states. Only law enforcement and military have full auto. Again, i could be wrong about that but i'm almost sure it's illegal for citizens to own such weapons.
Here in New York, the gun laws are probably one of the strictest in the country (I believe Washington DC is the toughest). In order for an average NY resident to own a firearm, they must apply for a permit....wait 6 months for the process, pay for 3 sets of fingerprints to be taken, and have your background checked. After all that, you get your lil' piece of paper saying you can now "own a gun" and can only carry it concealed TO & FROM an authorized firearms range. Thats if you didn't get a "business carry" license (which even more stuff is license, bank notes...etc)
Now, you have your license and it's time to purchase your handgun. Well, forget about going to "Sports Authority" or "Wall Mart" like you were able to do some years ago (The liberals took care of that for us !!) You now need to go to an authorized firearms dealer. Ok, you go there, pick out your "insert maker here" and put a deposit on it. Now, you have to fill out paperwork to give to the agency that issued your license. So, you leave the gun store and go to the "Pistol license section" to show them (on paper) what you would like to purchase. They go over the paperwork and give you a "purchase order" (which you have to pay for!) that allows you to buy the gun. Now, back to the gun store with said purchase order. Ok, in the gun store you fill out more papers and fully pay for your gun. It's yours right?, not so fast. You now have 10 days to RETURN to the pistol license section to have the gun completely registered on your permit so........back to the pistol license section to have them man handle your new machinery and type the info on your permit. NOW you can go home with your new gun.
Seems a bit of a pain eh? The problem we have here in NY is the "black market". People aren't shooting themselves with registered guns, it's guns purchased from other states with laxed laws or stolen guns.
I have 3 registered handguns and haven't purchased that beloved .45 because it's, 1. a $1000 gun i want, and 2. The process is such a pain in the ass.

its much easier here, go to the police station. Pay $10 for purchase permit. Go buy handgun. Take handgun back to police station where they double check serial numbers and then go home with your new handgun. For rifles and shotguns you go to gun store, wait for "instant check" (this has taken up to 3 hours for me) and walk out with your new rifle or shotgun. If you want to carry you need to apply for a permit and wait. Michigan is a "shall issue" permit state. If you have no criminal backround and have gone to your CCW class you get a permit. Since the "shall issue" permits have become availble crime has dropped. NOT ONE person with a permit to carry has commited a crime.

PS there are full auto guns in some privite citizens hands but the permits are almost impossible th get. There has NEVER been a legally registered fully automatic weapon used in a crime EVER in the US
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