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Default 03-07-2005, 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by jujumantb
Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by "Acideyez":78b21
Originally Posted by "Chris Rock":78b21
Bullets should cost $10,000 so that way, gun violence goes down. Who would pay 10 thousand dollars for a bullet? Also, if a guy gets shot, he got shot for a damn good reason.
Totally agree with that one ^
that'd definately break some laws of economics right there. For that to ever happen, you would have to make bullets very rare as well.
Well the price would obviously be controlled by the government if it were to happen, which it wouldnt because it would be VERY easy to still get bullets from the black market. Not to mention our deer and other game populations would skyrocket with no hunters out there, plus bullet manufacturing companies would either go under or a few would get tons of government aid which is no good. Just a stupid idea that could never happen.
There's not much to a bullet. I'm sure you'd have a huge black market in no time.[/quote:78b21]
Exactly, like I said. I mean its not even hard to get guns from the blackmarket, bullets would be simple.[/quote:78b21]yep they show dudes making them on the Outdoor channel that I get happy:

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