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Default 03-10-2005, 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by Colonel

Tell that to the hundreds of thousands that opposed Saddam and ended up in mass graves.

Or to the Jews in Germany who ended up in gas chambers. BTW- Hilter disarmed the Jews (i.e. convinced them that they didn't need guns and then confiscated them) before he started rounding the people up.
Or to the Jews in Germany who ended up in gas chambers. BTW- Hilter disarmed the Jews (i.e. convinced them that they didn't need guns and then confiscated them) before he started rounding the people up.

The example I was putting fourth does not work is every situation. However, the Iraqi people have weapons, and it didn’t help them, did it? They probably have more weapons than Americans do. Also, I’m willing to bet that most people didn’t like saddam, but I don’t think they really had a problem with him in power. Yes I’m sure the Kurds hated him and would revolt if they had the numbers, but the majority of the people just want to work and make a living for their family. Most people cannot be bothered with politics. They had known saddam their entire life. This was the way things go. They had known no other life. The masses weren’t revolting against saddam. There were no marches through the street to get rid of him.

Also, I’m not arguing that weapons should be confiscitated, all I’m saying is that there should be some responsibility by government figures in who is allowed to get firearms. I agree very much that firearms are a right, not a privlage. I hear people saying “the second amendment says I can have weapons”. I really don’t think that’s right at all.

[quote:5e7de]in the begining they did support him,(Hitler) in the begining he was donig good. After he made them register thier weapons and then confescated them the people saw the true light but it was too late to do something about it. I feel sorry for the German people of today, they were put through such BS and now they are ashamed of it. I feel no ill will towards the German people just what thier (past) govt did. Im sure if the people could have stopped him they would have. That is one of the most impressive countries as far as making a change is involved. The Germany of today is a great nation but they paid dearly for it. [/quote:5e7de]

I think during the war people began to see what their country was doing was wrong, but would they turn on their country? No, they defended it. It is their country. The jews really only make up a few million out of 50 million germans. If 30 million germans decided what their government was doing was wrong, they could have done something I believe, but they didn’t. And I don’t blame them. If I were in their position, I’d probably support the Nazi government as well. I understand what your saying, and I agree. The german people ahve paid for it.
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