Originally Posted by Colonel
You're a little off on this one Tripper. Wasn't that revolution in 1917? Americans have been passionate about our Bill of Rights since 1787. We feel now, and have felt since the day it was signed, that we must be vigilant in guarding every plank in it. Any attempt to erode even an inch of the power in each Amendment must be fought with all of our abilities. Once a freedom is lost it is very difficult to get it back.
1787...That was when your country WAS under threat, that was valid passion for defense of those rights and ideals - It wasn't paranoia....By the dawn of the 20th century...There were no outside threats, the U.S was a world power. The communist revolution in russia instilled an unreal threat in the american psyche, since then, IMO, the U.S has been gradually drawn into a world of paranoid fear of outside influences, inducing a somewhat misguided foreign policy driven by that fear.
The war on terror is like, a nicotine patch from the lack of communismarettes. The government's addiction to fear is a sedative to keep the people in check, so paranoid that they hug big brother's leg so tight and with so much passion that they don't question his motives anymore. oOo:
...Political Poetry. From the outside looking in... nag: