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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,644
Join Date: Dec 2003
Default LOCKED THREADS? - 03-16-2005, 02:06 PM

Seriously, whats going on here?

Just ran through the MODERATION thread, and indeed there were flames but there were some good ideas. . .

Why are threads being locked because SOME PERSON/S drag the thread into OFF-OFF-TOPIC land? We have tools that allow you to clean up threads that get out of control off-topic. If someone has ruined a thread, this is what should be done, not posting "Thank [insert name] for getting thread locked" -

Should this have been posted in Officers Forum - maybe, but I think this forum needs to know whats going on and that mods are committed to actually doing their jobs and not making some really head-scratch worthy decisions.

Feel free to comment and critique.