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Command Sergeant Major
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Default 03-16-2005, 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by Drew
Just going to throw in my 2 cents...

In regards to deleting posts to save a thread - this is done constantly. I know for a fact that Gerv and Tony have done this as well. Thing is, when we start deleting posts to save a thread, people start bitching about that (Unknown_Sniper).

As far as locked threads.. too many threads were getting by simply because no one had the time to sift through all the crap. That is why there are more mods. And with more mods less crap is falling through the cracks, hence more locks.
No offense - but no. . .if you dont have time/desire to clean up a thread - email another mod and let them take care of it. . .

Nothing pissed me off more than a thread of mine getting the gut from that Wook-SOB because some douche crapped on it. . .

Splitting the thread, and then deleting the new thread - bam, problem solved.

Im seeing threads locked simply because mods dont want to "deal with it" - nevermind the thread is STILL there and further contributes to the rancor on the forum. If the thread is so offensive, then delete it all. . .threads should be "locked" only if there is useful information but the topic has exhausted its use and is running in circles.

And maybe its me - but I missed the "epidemic" that was occuring that prevented OT from "being all it could be" -