Originally Posted by tomxtr
Originally Posted by 1080jibber
if he isnt guilty, then he is the most unlucky dude in the world.
it christmas eve and he goes fishing, where he went fishing was way to choppy for the kind of boat he had, plus traces of cement he bought where found in the boat, plus his wife is found near the spot he said he went fishing. he is having an affair and was still trying to get together with this chick even when his wife was still missing. he goes to paris for newyears eve and partys it up as well as call his girlfriend while at the party telling her that he misses her and he wishes she was there ( they are still looking for his wife )
he lied to the police about his affair
Your facts are a little off, but at least you get the picture. He never went to Paris. He just fed that line to Amber Frye. In fact that conversation took place while he was at a candle light vigil for his wife.
dude i swear i hear the paris thing on cnn, they even played the tape.
but i could be wrong