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Default 03-16-2005, 11:15 PM

Originally Posted by TonyMontana
Yeah, I think we should all fuck the forum rules and post whatever we want, who's with me?
I'm not saying that. That's a total overexaggeration. The basic rules that have always stood should remain:

No Pron, No Warez, No Overt Racism, Stuff like that. I mean, we've lived with those rules well enforced for so long we're used to it.

What we're not used to is having threads locked for one flame (or even threatened to be locked), locked for just stupid shit like "omg this thread is about nothing - LOKT."
Threads like that shouldn't be locked unless it is BLATANT spam. If there is readable text....Leave it. What's the point in locking it? It's just stupid and annoying when you come to post in a thread and find it's been locked.

This place is slowly dieing, the last thing we need is to have half of the already depleting thread numbers locked.