Thread: Cod/Bia
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Re: Cod/Bia
Mr_Gl@ss is Offline
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Default Re: Cod/Bia - 03-21-2005, 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by Robot03
What's the difference between COD and BIA
I'm guessing you’re looking for MP info and not SP info?

MP in BIA is you + your squad (bots) against someone else + his/her squad (bots). To me it's an emotionally flat experience. It's more fun knowing there's a real person on the other end banging his/her head in frustration. The jury's still out though. Time will tell.

COD is you + your teammates (real people) against other team (real people) in varying degrees of size and game types. DM or TDM (Team Death Match) would be what Acid is referring to where you basically run around and shoot people. There are loads of other game types for COD that do involve team work like SD, CTF, HQ, BAS, etc. There is also a huge community base cranking out new MOD's and Maps almost daily.
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