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Default 08-17-2002, 05:36 AM

Wookie in a less......insulting way, i think what he is trying to say is that those who grew up with religous background, you know, like say your parents said their prayers before bed, and before eating etc, went to church every sunday, then the chances are they would take you with them, and so you would grow up to do the same with your kids, and they would with their kids, etc etc.
I dont know you or your background wookie, im just using that as an example.
Von Paulus its not that anyones been brainwashed, its just the way theyre brought up. My grandparents were deeply religous, but my parents let me decide what i wanted to do.....i used to have to get a note to get out of church at school.(seriously)
Wookie and most others here arnt preaching their religion on you, (well maybe one springs to mind)
Live and let live.
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