Thread: Paintball
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Default 03-28-2005, 07:24 AM

I have a group of friends that get together and we just go off in the woods a few weekends a year. Me, my bro, and another guy go down to Kent (wa) where theres some nice fields a bit more than we meet with the other group.

I personally use an armotech Wg-65-m4 that i've put a 32mm BSA red dot scope on, running HPA out of a 68ci 4500 psi tank. With a 12 volt rev feeding it.

I also own, but typically let my brother use, a Spyder xtra. I put a 14" dye boomstick on it, along with a elctronic trigger. Since its not my primary it runs c02, and a cheap hopper. All things i keep telling my bro to upgrade since he uses it. is should do 13 BPS but not without those upgrades. I do use my gear with it now and again since it is a really nice marker.

Pics (2 years old)
These dont show the E-trigger for the spyder, or the red dot for the armo since those were later upgrades.
Some really unprofessional test i ran

Me and my bro both use Dye Invision mask because they fucking rock. I use [url=]APP[/url:665d3] pods because there all i could find vertical, being so skinny i found horizontals stuck out to much. I replaced the APP belt with an Army one i pick up at a surplus shop because the APP one was kinda flimsy. Toss on a pair of BDU's and Jungle boots and im set.
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