Thread: transparent
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chrisredfield003 is Offline
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Default well - 03-30-2005, 02:46 PM

i use a freeware program called gimp2.2.0
its like a rouge photoshop/rip off/ better than photoshop/and watch when the new photoshop comes somehing tells me that a new verson of gimp wil appear but anyways
in gimp type l than make your texture visability like 50% save as .tga
than make the shader like this

qer_editorimage textures/glass/glass_1.tga
qer_keyword window
qer_keyword broken
qer_keyword glass
surfaceparm glass
// cull none
map textures/glass/ref.tga
tcgen environment
alphagen const .2
blendFunc blend
map textures/glass/glass_1.tga
// blendFunc blend
alphaFunc GE128
map $lightmap
this will make the glass bullet proof and still shoot shards of glass when u shoot anyhow the glass can act different ways depending on how complicated your shader can get
also any gimp2.2.0 fans ill be happy to show the ins n outs off gimp 2.2.0 a fine program thru n thru
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