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whatever happened to respect and fun?
goneaway is Offline
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Default whatever happened to respect and fun? - 08-17-2002, 01:08 PM

ok, now if you've ever read any of my other threads it usually involves the concepts of attitude in the game instead of the game...i guess thats just my style. but seriously, i remember back in the days of CS when people used to respect each other; when they used to have fun being nice. now, on a rare occassion i find a couple of these people on a server, the respectful kind. right then and there the fun level goes WAY up...because you can actually have a conversation with them and not be called a faggot for killing them when they're "typing". now, is it just me or do you have more fun when respect is the feeling that you get in a server? i know i do. whenever there is a feeling of unity--even from opposite teams, i tend to like the game more. share opinions. peace.
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