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Hollywood is Offline
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Default 08-17-2002, 01:21 PM

It's unfortunate, but I've had to teach myself to ignore all of the whiners and immature players that make it a habit to use profane language whenever they're killed, or just flame you just because you're good and they're not. It has been this way ever since the early online games, it hasn't changed. The problem is these games draw all kinds of people, and most of them aren't nice at all. What happens is that you get all the geeks that have no friends, no life, and they are used to getting picked on their entire life. As you know, the internet provides you with an anonymous identity, so they feel that they can act like a bully to someone that is a thousand miles away, without worrying about getting their ass kicked. Screw them all M16:

Well, that's my rant for the day.
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