08-17-2002, 01:50 PM
anyways, I am just happy my Babcia and my other Grandmother don't force religion on me, I don't know if they act different when i'm not there but anyway if I stay over at any of my Grandparents houses basically all I see from them is that they do go to church etc. I don't go, but they don't pray for the things we have, or pray before they go to bed, just go to church and I am fine with that, though my Babcia is getting to the point where it is hard to leave the house, actually I think if my Grandfather, doon't know how to say Grandfather in polish, didn't die when I was 3 months old that I would of known more about the Catholic religion, I would of sacrificed that being thrown on me then to have to live without him because from what my mother tells me he was the more religious out of both her parents and on my other side well My Grandmother thinks "I should do more work" and my Grandpa well.....he just sits in the kitchen watching TV all day, anyways they being Protesant, even them didn't throw religion onto me, actually I have never stepped in a Protesant church other then for my friend Jim Sonar funeral and I went to the Cathelic Church with my uncle various times.
So anyway, my life could of been different, but also my Polish grandfather may not of brought any religion into my life being I was baptised on my fathers side being Protesant....I really don't understand that being it really does nothing. Anyway I do infact being in the chance that there is a higher being but I enjoy my life without knowing about it.